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School Meals

School Dinners

Here at Hall Park Academy, our Dining Hall serves food throughout the school day.

Below are our monthly menus.


































Healthy Eating

A hot, balanced meal is provided in the Dining Hall every day for lunch, and meal options change daily to ensure a wide variety of choice. A vegetarian option is also available daily. Alongside the hot meal of the day, we serve Jacket Potatoes, Pasta with a choice of sauce, and Soup of the Day which is served with a Bread Roll. Fresh fruit is also available as an alternative option to the dessert of the day accompanying the hot meal.

The hot meal of the day is priced at £2.41 and this includes the main meal, a piece of fruit or dessert of the day and a carton of juice.

For those students not choosing the hot meal, there is a selection of sandwiches, paninis and snacks such as pizzas, bacon and sausage cobs and burgers.

Students are able to bring their own packed lunches in and these are catered for in the Language Hall.

If you wish to discuss any allergy or dietary needs further, please contact our Operations Manager.


Hall Park Academy uses the secure online payment system ‘ParentPay’ to allow parents to top up their child’s balance at their convenience through debit or credit card. Using the debit or credit card option means the system reduces the need for your child to bring cash into the Academy, making it safer and ensures the money is securely credited to the account.

Parentpay also allows you the option to log in and view exactly what meal choices are being made by your child so that you can encourage them to choose as healthily as possible.

If you have any queries regarding the Parentpay system, please contact our Finance Office.

Free School Meals

If you are eligible for Free School Meals, we encourage you to make the claim for the following reasons:

  • It provides your child with a hot meal of their choice each day in school at no cost to yourself – this can save you on the cost of a meal or packed lunches.

  • It also enables us to request extra funding for students here at Hall Park Academy.

How do I know if I can claim?

All children who are at school and aged under 19 at the start of the academic year and are claiming or have parents who are claiming one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support

  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance

  • Income-related employment and support allowance

  • Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999

  • Child Tax Credit but who are not entitled to working tax credit and whose annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190

  • Working tax credit run-on-paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for working tax credit

  • Universal credit

How do I claim?

Please call Free School Meals office at Nottinghamshire County Council on 0300 500 8080. Please have your National Insurance number ready if calling and if you need help at all, please contact the school and we will assist you in making your claim.

Please click on the link below for more information about Free School Meals.

Nottinghamshire County Council free school meals