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Hall Park Academy Pledges

Students are expected to gain a breadth of experiences throughout their time at Hall Park Academy. Students are awarded Pledges for their wider contribution to school events, activities and work in the community. Each student has a Pledge Passport which contains the 10 Pledges. Pledges are authorised by Tutors and Head of Houses upon completion.

Students are required to gain the following:

  • Student will complete 8 Pledges in total
  • Successful completion of the required Pledges will enable students to attend the Year 11 Prom.

Hall Park Academy Pledges

To successfully participate in residential trips.

  • Students must ensure they represent the Academy in line with academy ethos, values and code of conduct. Examples: - French/German/Belgium/ski trip

To represent the Academy in Sports.

  • Students must represent the Academy consistently in sports events or teams (inter-school).
    Examples: - Football, athletics, netball, basketball

To contribute to Academy Performing Arts events.

  • Students must contribute consistently towards Performing Arts events
    Examples:-music, dance, drama, backstage crew

To organise and actively participate in at least 6 different assemblies.

  • Students must participate in either a tutor, house or year assembly.

To organise and actively participate in at least 3 fundraising events.

  • Students must get involved in fundraising events in tutor time, house charities or whole school events. All fundraising events must be different.
    Example: - house charity events, children in need, sports relief, comic relief, shoebox appeal

Represent the Academy/House in at least 10 different events.

  • Example: - inter-house sports, inter-house academic competitions, poetry, it’s a knockout

To take part in community projects.

  • Students must make a significant contribution to the local community.
    Example: - sports leaders, Duke of Edinburgh, student voice, carol concert, primary school visit.

To participate in activities that support others within the Academy.

  • Students must consistently support their peers in a range of ways.
    Example: - mentoring, coaching, paired reading, inductions, options evening.

To attend cultural or sports events outside of school.

  • Students must demonstrate a consistent commitment to a range of cultural or sporting events outside of school. Example: - theatre trips, sports events.

To read 3 novels per year and complete a book review for each.

  • Students must read a minimum of 3 books throughout the school year and provide a review of each of the books. Example: - To Kill A Mockingbird – Written review to tutor/Verbal presentation to tutor group